MCG 3145: Advanced Strength of Materials (3 units) (Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Fall 2024)

Review of stress and strain at a point; Stress and strain transformations; Theories of failure and their application to design problems; Shear center and bending of members in multiple plane; Energy methods, Castigliano's theorems, and their applications to straight and curved members; Torsion of these sections and non-circular sections; Impact stresses.

Prerequisites: CVG 2140, MCG 2108.

MCG 4127: Computational Methods in Mechanical Engineering (3 units) (Fall 2022)

Solution of ordinary and partial differential equations in mechanical engineering by numerical techniques on computers. Matrix methods. Eigenvalue computation. Finite difference and finite element methods for solid mechanics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer problems.

Prerequisites: MAT 2384, MAT 3320 or equivalent.

MCG 5109: Advanced Topics in Finite Element Analysis (3 units) (Winter 2022, Winter 2023, Winter 2024, Winter 2025)

Finite elements and their solution techniques. Multilayered plate, shell and continua. Eigenvalue and transient analysis, material and geometric non-linearities. Applications to fracture mechanics. Steady and transient state heat conduction. Potential flow. Creeping flow and incompressible viscous flow with inertia. This course is equivalent to MAAJ 5009 at Carleton University.

MCG 4102: Finite Element Analysis (3 units) (Fall 2024)

Review of matrix algebra and matrix structural analysis. Fundamentals of the finite element method. Simple one- and two-dimensional elements. Elementary programming in stress analysis, heat transfer and fluid flow. Preprocessing, post-processing. Use of commercial programs.

Prerequisites: GNG 1106 (MCG 3145 or MCG 3141) or equivalent.

MCG 5108: Finite Element Analysis (3 units) (Fall 2024)

Review of matrix algebra and structural mechanics. Fundamentals of the finite element method. Analysis of two-dimensional trusses and the elastic continuum. Finite element program development, commercial programs, pre and post processers. Isoparametric concept, modelling issues. Steady-state field problems, axisymmetric analysis. Applications in mechanical engineering. This course is equivalent to MAAJ 5008 at Carleton University.